Communications is one of the top expense lines of your company. And, even if you think you have negotiated the best pricing and terms with your suppliers and carriers, you may be overpaying by as much as 35% or more.
Why Carla?
It has become essential for organizations like yours to control their telephone communications costs, but most companies don’t have effective practices in place. Too often, they haven’t integrated their cost controls and tools, depending instead on manual solutions to handle data relevant to the cost, time spent on the phone and frequency of their staff calls.
What is Carla?
Carla is a comprehensive call management system that helps you control your company’s telephone and fax communications costs. CARLA was developed from the ground up to easily integrate with current IT environments, enabling customers to cut costs and boost end-user satisfaction.
How to benefit from Carla?
Carla helps you quickly determine who is spending time on the phone and for what purpose. It helps your management team allocate costs to department and bill back these costs to clients.
Who will use Carla?
Who is Carla intended for?
Entrepreneurs, Engineers and Architects for project billing