Speciality Printers

The LA Series of printers are designed for a broad spectrum of applications and are specially optimized for the DEC® environment. There is support for DEC®ANSI, IBM® ProPrinter® X24e, and Epson® ESC/P2 emulation. The 24-pin print head produces clear, crisp output of texts and graphics. The printer has nineteen resident fonts and eight resident bar code fonts ensuring fast, high quality text and dependable bar code printing. The printers offers simple switching of paper types and auto tear-off functionality. Parking continuous forms makes it easy to switch between continuous forms and single sheets. Continuous forms are automatically fed up to the tear-off position at the end of each job. Other printers in the range are designed to handle very thick forms, up to 9 copies, with a second to none endurance and reliability. For a complete coverage of the Dascom Tally range of speciality printers, please visit the Tally Dascom website

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